God has a purpose and plan for your life. Have you heard someone say that? It happens to be from one of the most quoted scriptures in Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 29:11) So what’s your purpose? What’s God’s plan for you? If you’re reading this and think you’re not seasoned yet or it’s just too late, think again. Age doesn’t mean much to God. He’s just looking for a willing heart. He has always worked through people who wouldn’t have been chosen first. A young boy watching over his father’s sheep. A teenage girl who became the most important and talked about woman in history. Then there was Noah. He was five or six hundred years old when he built the ark. Still think you’re too old? How about Abraham? Sarah? The list goes on and on. What are you passionate about? What gift has God given you? Are you living it out? Or is something standing in the way? Is it fear? The unknown? Your schedule? I know, there’s always something! Regardless, God has a specific purpose for you being here today.
Sometimes we get off-track thinking we’re supposed to do some grand thing that exceeds everyone’s expectation. Actually our purpose may be simply living out Christ in front of our neighbor, co-worker or family member. It may not be building an ark or pastoring a church or growing a company that does good things. It could be teaching children in Sunday school. Or maybe someone needs to see your smile. No one has the smile you do. And, your laugh is infectious. Don’t stop! What if you paid for someone’s lunch today? Or, bake some homemade cookies and give a dozen to a neighbor down the street. You have the power to change the direction of someone’s day. Do you get my point? You have gifts regardless of your age. Question is, are you using them? Get started today!