Juggling Between Your Church and Your Family

When it comes to balancing anything it’s not always easy. 69% of people who have a checking account never balance their checkbook. Have you ever tried riding a unicycle? How about surfing? So, what do you do when it comes to balancing your church ministry position and your family?

If I may, I’ll speak from my personal experience. In past years I found it easy to be excited about the preparation of a church service or even a rehearsal. My day would be filled with listening to music or writing a new song and at the end of a day the last thing I’d want to do was help someone with math homework. However, that feeling can quickly become an imbalance of home versus church/job.

You see, when I’m doing what ‘I’ want to do things are great. However, when ‘I’ get home and ‘I’ have to do something ‘I’ don’t want to do then things aren’t so great. Get it? But, I finally realized it’s not all about me or my church job. It’s about being present both in my day to day responsibilities and with my family. Being present in my home is about communicating with my spouse, my children and being intentional about our time together. Once I got that I felt more in balance and that’s a much better place to be.

I still can’t ride a unicycle.

Worship Focus

Recently, at 38,000 feet comfortably seated in 15D, a thought crossed my mind. Am I any closer to God than when I’m on the ground? Probably not but when it comes to airplanes, I tend to pray on the way to the airport, while I’m waiting to board, as I’m walking down the Jetway and then once I’m seated, and when we’re heading down the runway, and when we are going through the clouds and then I relax once the bumps subside.

This is similar to the way we live life isn’t it? Trouble comes and we stress. We pray. We worry some more. We say Jesus a whole lot. Then when things become calm we go about our business as if nothing ever happened. That is until the next storm blows in.

Why is this?

It’s about relationship and we have the capacity to change it. But it’s probably one of the most difficult things we’ll ever attempt.

When I fly I feel closer to him not because I’m 6 miles off the ground. I feel closer to Him because I’m focused on Him.

If you’ve ever attempted anything challenging and succeeded you know what I’m talking about. Running a  1/2 or full marathon takes courage, persistence and focus. Relationships need love, persistence and focus. Learning to play an instrument takes practice and focus. Worship is the same. It takes desire, surrender and focus.

But, how often do we focus? Really focus on God? We sing songs to Him in church but many times before we find our focus the song is over. One reason is, we usually come to church ‘to’ worship instead of ‘with’ worship. But what would happen if we found our way to His presence more often? Daily?

I encourage you to find time this week where you can focus all your attention on Him. Make it a habit and before long your relationship will grow and you’ll develop a desire to be in His presence daily. And, I promise that will change your worship.

You Still Have Something To Give

Most days you can find a church somewhere looking for a worship leader. After reading the requirements you often get this picture. Looking for someone in their 20’s who plays guitar, sings the absolute latest worship songs available, wears the coolest jeans, and has a new haircut that would rival any rock star. But what happens if you only fit one or two of the above requirements? Do you have any business leading worship? Well? Probably not at that church. What if you’re 40 something? 50 something? Are you no longer relevant? Some think not.

I believe when a church is searching for a worship leader, “looking for someone passionate about Jesus who is also gifted in leading others in worship” should be at the top of the list. If not, then what you may end up with is a good musician. There are lots of people who look the part, play the right songs and have no idea how to take a group of people past the song they are singing.

Leading in worship is more than being able to get through a setlist of 3 or 4 songs. 

So, if your church is looking to hire a worship leader, start with the heart. I’m not saying you shouldn’t look for a talented individual. Obviously they should have an acceptable skill level. But find someone who understands worship doesn’t mean when the lights go on. Rather, pray for someone who sees worship as a part of their every day. Then you’ll land your worship leader.

And, if you’re reading this blog thinking you’re done, there’s a good chance you still have something to give. Regardless of your age, make Jesus the center of everything you are. It’s okay if you’re hip and cool and wear awesome jeans too.

You Won’t Know Until You Try

I’ve been writing for the last half hour. However, after reading what I wrote, I deleted every single word! I probably should have kept it. Used it for another day. I feel I have something to say but all I can think about is how nice the weather is. How I’d enjoy being home with my wife dreaming out loud about buying a little piece of property and building something. Something like a barn. Maybe getting a cow too. But I have work to do. What’s wrong with me? My wife wants to know what I’d do with a cow anyway. I’m not sure but acreage just doesn’t look complete without a small water hole, a barn and a black cow. See why I can’t write anything? I should just head back to the office.

Life is too short

Maybe this is a call to all of us to take time as often as possible to dream a little. Dream out loud. Find a place to write and write whatever comes out. Just don’t delete it like I did. LIfe is too short to get caught up in schedules we’ve created that are usually too full. Too full to dream. Too full to enjoy living. Too full to be creative. Too full to think about owning a cow. Instead we can easily turn into robots. Going through motions that eventually take us down. Exhausted. Too tired to enjoy much after 5 o’clock. Even if it makes one wealthy, what is lost getting there is much more valuable than anything we gain.

So, take time. This week. Start small. Take 30 minutes. Then an hour. Write. Dream. Take a drive. Remove one thing from your schedule. The results could be amazing. You won’t know until you try.

The Choice Is Yours

Have you made any resolutions for this year? Millions of people write down plans every January they hope to follow but statistics show that 92% don’t follow through. What does this have to do with you? Whether you’ve made your list or not, I think you’d agree it’s important to have a plan. But even with a plan, often the business of our day and unexpected circumstances can easily get us off track. It’s easy to find ourselves floundering and spinning our wheels. If you’ve been there before, you know it’s difficult to do much of anything when you’re stuck.

 Stuck never gets the same result as passion.

 So, how do you get unstuck and develop a plan? While there’s a chance I can persuade you to write out a plan, it’s not probable that one article will cause you to follow through with your new plan. However, if you were to recognize the importance of a simple plan, that’s just the start you need. So, here’s my encouragement. Take time this week to find a quiet place. Bring a pen and paper and let your thoughts run wild. What would you do if you had time? Resources? What’s one thing you’ve neglected because everything else got in the way? Write that down. Now what would it take to get there? This is a great way to get your thoughts out of your mind and down on paper. Your plans don’t have to be an over the top, blow your mind, type of plan. It can be really simple. Yet with simple still comes the need for follow through that helps plans become reality. Most often, our ideas never get off the ground and we find ourselves back in the 92% bracket. Regardless of what you write down, make finding your way to God’s presence an every day occasion. Fill your heart and mind with His word. Pray for wisdom as you follow out your plans. Choose to be one of the 8% and there’s a great chance you’ll have a great year.

Another One of Those Days

Have you ever had one of those days? You know, thinking you should be something more than you are? Or at least more than how you see yourself? Recently, I texted my wife to see how she was doing and she was having ‘one of those days’. It boiled down to her feeling like she hadn’t gotten anything accomplished all day. Does that sound familiar?

If you feel that way too, let me remind you of a few things that are often overlooked: Every book you’ve read. Every Disney movie you’ve watched 100 times. Every smile you’ve shared. Every football you’ve thrown. Every meal you’ve prepared. Every bicycle you’ve pushed. Every lunch you’ve made. Every homework assignment that left you feeling like you were back in school. Every field trip. Every school play. Every trip to the bus. Are you with me? Not to mention every text or email you’ve sent to someone who needed it. Every idea you’ve ever written down. Every door you’ve opened. Every letter you’ve written. Every time you’ve listened to someone else in need. Even on the days when you feel less than your best, you’re more than you can imagine to someone you’ve touched along the way. And, by the way, that list above barely scratches the surface.

There’s someone on the end of every one of your smiles, hugs, handclaps, encouragement, tears, emails, meals, and conversations who needs what only you can give. Go with that and you’ll be everything you need to be to everyone who comes in contact with you.

Our Eye On Home

by Kimberlee Stone

I was sitting on the front porch when Roxy and Sable started sniffin’ the air. Instantly the rain came at a downpour, even leaking through a few of the boards overhead. I scooped Roxy up and ran inside. Sable looked at me with weepy baby browns. “You’re not making me go home in this are you?” As I curled up in my favorite chair, both dogs ran circles of delight around each other that they’d found shelter from the storm. I propped the heavy front door open but kept the storm door closed so I could enjoy any outside light that snuck in.

Sable appeared right at my feet when I went to make a cup of coffee. I practically tripped over her more than once but was giddy with excitement at having a big dog in the house (note to self: begin big-puppy shopping soon). After I made my way back to my comfy spot, the dogs were ready for a nap. Roxy relaxed in her bed and Sable plopped down in front of the storm door. Thinking she wanted back out, I opened it all the way even as the rain pounded the ground. She didn’t budge. She was content as long as she could do one thing…

Keep an eye on her home.

The front of our cabin has a perfect view of the back of Sable’s house. On the typical day she saunters up a worn pathway to the front porch after her owner leaves. She spends warm afternoons lounging beside me or underneath the shade of the cedar tree. Oh, but let her hear the crunchy-crunch-crunch of her owner’s tires along the gravel and I’m all but a memory. I can’t blame her; her heart lies with her master. He provides food, a place to rest, and keeps the local coyotes from approaching. You can be sure I tempt her with treats throughout the day, but no milk bone has ever been enough to outrank the loyalty she has for her owner.

How about you? When was the last time you thought about Home? Not your pitiful earthly dwelling made from fancy stone and expensive brick; you know the Home I am speaking of. When was the last time you felt like Sable who eagerly waits and watches everyday for when her Master will return?

I’ll be honest and say that life gets in the way. Storms come over the mountain and my problem makes me take my eyes off Home. Or better yet, when circumstances begin going my way. Things I’ve prayed for appear on my doorstep. A dream comes true. I go a week without losing it in front of the kids. The bills are paid and there is money left over. The boss gives me the employee-of-the-month award and the best raise I’ve ever had—and a beautiful haze lures my eyes away from Home.

Yes, our present circumstances must be taken care of. We can’t sit on the front porch and gaze into the clouds all day. But can we afford to get so sidetracked with the hardships or beauty of life that we avert our eyes for even a second? I think not.

I urge you today to take heart—this world is not our Home. (That should be the best news you hear all day!) What about you? Are you expectantly waiting? Are you hopefully watching? Can you hear the pangs of this world that echo He could return for us any time?

You better believe that people are in the fight of their lives at this very second. I know some who are sitting in ICU right now believing for the healing of a child. I know a family warring against the terrible sickness of cancer taking their loved ones life. Someone is fighting for their marriage, someone is praying that grief doesn’t overtake them. And yet, someone has never been richer or more successful than they are today, and someone is fortunate enough to be living out their greatest dream. However, midst the trial, midst the full extent of the joy, I hope we all find the strength to be like Sable and…

Keep our eye on Home.


Division or Unity?

9:00 Traditional Service: Choir. Robes. Orchestra. Hymns. Anthems. Pulpit.
11:00 Contemporary Service: More guitars. No Choir. Fog. Cool lighting. Younger people on stage. Jeans.

Years ago I visited a church where the pastor wore a robe in the first service, a suit in the second and a casual outfit in the third. The choir sang the early service, an ensemble in the next and the stage was cleared for a band in the last service. Whew! I left wondering if that really worked or why it was necessary. In another church I noticed the pastor wore a suit and tie in all 3 blended services and there were thousands of people in attendance. Is it the look or the message? In our attempt to become everything to everyone are our choices causing division or building unity? You may have heard something like this before; “You really should go to the 11 o’clock. The worship is way better.” Or “Mostly old people go to the early service and the choir sings.” How does this unify the church? But there are others who seem quite happy with the choices.

Hear me out. I’m just asking. Recently overheard on stage: OMG we couldn’t dare be on stage without a suit and tie. They would come unglued. Who is they? I’ve also heard a few say; we won’t have a choir because that is SO old and traditional. What? Who said? Someone at a conference with a cool pair of jeans? (I like cool jeans) 🙂 Then there’s the opposite; “that” contemporary music isn’t worship. Maybe someone who refused to change anything? Come on! These ideas suggest that we have to dress a certain way or play a specific type of music to experience worship. I understand that you’re not typically going to find someone with all the Gaither homecoming video’s at a Gungor concert. But isn’t there a way to connect the two? Should we really have to split everyone up?

A few years ago a well known church tried to oust their new pastor because he decided to change the two morning services to blended rather than have a separate traditional and contemporary service. He felt by having both a traditional and contemporary service they were consciously splitting who they were with one service eventually seeming like the winner and the other the loser. Imagine an outreach to the community where music is involved. Which music team should be sent? Which pastor would you send? The one with the tie or without? By the way, you don’t suddenly become contemporary by removing your jacket and tie do you?

I recently asked this question on Facebook and Twitter. Do you think having both a traditional and contemporary service on Sunday morning builds unity or division in the church? Overall there were more than 130 responses. I was shocked by the feedback. Most people said they felt two different style services eventually causes division.

A number of people have asked where I stand on this matter. It’s tough because I’ve been to churches where this model seems to be working. Overall, I think there are creative ways to involve both traditional and contemporary styles in one service without alienating anyone. I believe that model offers opportunity to work together and also helps us become a stronger community. Anything less seems like we are more focused on ‘our feelings’ and not focused as much on being the body of Christ.

What do you think? If you’re more traditional would you be disappointed if your pastor wore a pair of jeans while he spoke? How about those of you in a contemporary service? What if this weekend during your contemporary, band driven service there was a choir? Would you be cool with that? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Does your church offer a traditional and contemporary service? Is it working well? Or, do you feel that multiple style services cause friction and/or disunity?


I’m sitting alone in the living room of our cabin surrounded by hand hewn logs, a stacked stone fireplace and our dog who has pushed her way between me and the back of the couch. It’s Thanksgiving and I’ve been considering the many things I’m thankful for. Where do I begin? Some things are the obvious: God, my wife, our children, our family, our friends. You know the normal list. But I’m thinking about a few people who aren’t always on ‘the list’.

I’m remembering my first piano teacher Marjorie Watson, who showed such love and patience and helped give me a wonderful musical foundation. Dr. Dorothy Shuford Griffith who I was privileged to have as my last teacher. She gave up so much of herself to invest in me and I’m forever thankful. In addition to my parents, she believed in me regardless. Paula Boyette for inviting Kim Crisafulli to our College & Career bible study/party. A year and 6 months later Kim Crisafulli took on Stone as her last name. I’m blessed and grateful!

Pastor Joe Wright, who I met during the summer of 1997. Thanks for finding me in the middle of 5,000 people and taking time to ask about my family. I never dreamed our conversation would change my life forever. Joanne, our tireless social worker (servant). We are so thankful for the opportunity to know you. There’s nothing like watching God’s hand move. Thanks for introducing me to a brave young teenager who had the courage to give her baby (our daughter) the chance to live and for choosing us to be parents; there are no words except thankful. Her braces came off two days ago and her smile makes my heart flutter.

To Mercy Ministries for your amazing passion to young girls and for the opportunity to be chosen by another brave and courageous young woman to be parents to a wonderful, healthy boy. It’s because of you that I drove 32 miles to pick him up from his grandma’s house last night because he was homesick. I didn’t mind.

Today will offer new opportunities for new memories. But for now I’m remembering. Have an incredible Thanksgiving and take a few moments to think about a few people who’ve been part of changing your life.




Worship Without Limits

Worship shouldn’t have limits. However, when worship is placed in a box only to be taken out for the Saturday or Sunday weekend service, worship loses its flow. Psalm 150 says, “let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” We’re also told to pray without ceasing and Psalm 34:1 says our lips and life should offer praise continually.

Continually means recurring regularly or frequent.

Not interrupted. Steady.

If we set boundaries around worship only to be visited certain times of the week, we miss out on an opportunity to experience the relationship with God we were meant to have.

Last year, I traveled to more than 20 churches and I usually ask this question; “What gets in the way of your worship?” I hear these answers: time, schedule, worry, pride, self, kids, fear, work and so many other similar reasons. It seems most of us have filled our week with so much stuff that worship has often been set aside for a one hour weekend church service. Sound familiar? I’m sure we’d agree that the sermon is important along with the music and the offering and the videos and Sunday School and children’s church and everything else church has to offer for that matter. But more important is for you and me to live out worship every day.

And that is more important than any song we can sing. Or the latest must read book. Or the latest sermon series. Or the biggest and best conference in the land.

This is really more than a blog. It’s a call to take down the fences and walls that divide and separate us from God’s presence. Let’s throw away the box and let worship roam free. That’s the way it was meant to be.